The year is coming to a close real soon here. I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. The past year has been pretty good with my travel advisor job really taking off last summer. I feel lucky and grateful for that and have been able to check a couple of items off my bucket list this past year in addition to planning vacations for clients.
We had a new addition to the family in 2019..thanks to Mr. Goofin' Off. Hubby knew the minute he saw it that he wanted it and what he wanted to name it (yes hubby likes to name his cars). It has been named Nemo. Although we've had Nemo for a number of months now, he's actually only been driven a few times. Nemo has needed a lot of tinkering and Mr. Goofin' Off loves to tinker with cars. It's a win-win!
Welcome to the family, Nemo! |
As I write this post and reflect back on this past year, I am reminded of a little whimsical prose written by Dr. Seuss:
How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?
--Dr. Seuss
The year has flown by. The holidays are upon us. As I have pondered the past 11 months, I am grateful for all the wonderful things that have happened. But I have also felt a large hole in my life where my quilting, stitching, charity work and blogging were. My time has been limited by my new career as well as helping in taking care of my dad.
Since my mother passed away last year, my dad has needed a lot of extra time. Early in the year we moved him into assisted living. Then we began the task of getting his home ready for sale. This was a monumental job because my parents had lived there for over 50 years and raised five kids there. I like to tell people my mother was an organized hoarder. It was unbelievable how much stuff she had managed to tuck away under beds and oozing out the dozens of closets throughout the 2700 sq. ft. house. It was all good stuff and in brand new condition. She liked to purchase clothing and knitting and sewing projects through catalogs. It would have taken her several lifetimes to complete all the projects that she had bought. I guess a lot of us quilters, cross stitchers, or whatever type of crafter you are, can relate to this (I write as I stare into my closet overstuffed with fabric). It literally took us weeks of working 20 to 40 hours a week to go through everything and get all the items that were donate-able donated.
Then this fall my father fell in his assisted living apartment and broke a hip. He spent time at the hospital, then three weeks at a rehab center. This time, he really needed more help when he left, so we found a fantastic group home for him. My brother and I had toured a number of homes and this was the only one we felt good about. We were so grateful that they were able to take my dad on and for the care and compassion he receives there.
Professionally, this year has been great, too. The month of July I booked more travel for people than I had the entire year before. I now have money coming in each month. I have met people at conferences and through my travels that have become great new friends.
I've even checked some things off my bucket list. For Halloween, I went to Disneyland with my two sisters. I dressed up as Edna Mode to go trick-or-treating at Disneyland. What a fun experience!
...there has been next to no time to quilt or cross stitch or work on charity projects. I just don't feel complete at the moment. I am committed to doing better in the coming year. I'm coming at 2020 with full steam ahead. I'm so excited to see what I can accomplish this coming year.
All About My Time and Priorities
I know that in order to give myself more time for things that are important to me--and absolutely necessary for me to keep my sanity when things get insane--I must start making some time for myself to do the things that I enjoy.
I've already gone and purchased my planner for next year. I understand that everyone's day has 24 hours...that's 1,440 minutes...which is 86,400 second. Once a day is gone, we can't borrow against yesterday's hours...or trade for tomorrow's minutes. I need to make be sure to prioritize my days to get the most out of my time for them. I've got to plan better to be sure that the things I want to get done have the time allotted for them and not just wait for "spare time" to magically appear.
My 2020 Planner and Pretty Pens to Get Me Started |
In the past, I've been able to reshuffle priorities to be able to accomplish what I want charity quilts and cross stitch projects...especially Disney projects. It's time to get back to that. I know if I'm willing to invest more to quilting and stitching that I'll be able to get some sanity back in my life.
In order to feel like I've had a successful 2020, I know I'll need to find a better balance that will keep me on track to finish some projects and start some new ones. I'll try to keep you updated on this journey (although blog posts will probably be the best indicator). I look forward to jumping back into the swing of things. Now for a pictorial show of how much I have (or maybe "haven't" is a better word) accomplished this year.
Time for Quilting in 2019?
This is where I left off at the beginning of the year. I had picked out these fabrics for my first (and apparently only) quilt of 2019. I had cut out all 624 pieces and...that's where I stopped until about June when we finished getting my Dad's house ready for sale.
By the end of June I had managed to sew a few pieces together:
Where I left off last summer. |
It felt great to sit behind the sewing machine and piece together these triangles. But that was the last time I sat behind my sewing machine. Because in mid-July, my business really took off. I'm not complaining about my business. I have lots of fun helping people plan their vacations. It's a real win-win for both my clients and myself.
As things quieted down a little at the beginning of Fall, I had my first conference to attend (in Florida, of course), a wedding to attend in Portland, Oregon, my dad took a tumble and broke his hip, we had to find a new place for my dad and get him moved in, and then hubby had a conference (back to Florida). I just haven't managed to get my sewing machine back out. It's time to take back control of my life and get back in the sewing room.
Stitching Time...
Now I have managed to get a little stitching in. And this is where I am now with my Mickey and Pirate friends cross stitch piece. Hey, any progress is still progress in my book. Right?
So thanks a million for following me through this journey of my 2019. Now it's time for me to put some time management skills to work and find more hours for the activities that will bring me some sanity.
I look forward to reconnecting and keeping up with all of you, my friends. Wishing you all a Happy Holidays for all of the great things that you are celebrating this coming month and into 2020.