A couple of weeks back I received an e-mail from a new blogger friend I made a couple of months ago through the New Quilter Blogs Blog Hope. This new friend was Rose from the blog
Something RoseMade. Rose is always upbeat, and I adore all of the beautiful quilts I see her working on. Rose let me know she was interested in nominating me for the Liebster Award. I have accepted the nomination and although my post is coming up a little late, I feel honored to have been nominated. Honestly, I think the nominations should have stopped at Rose. She deserves to win the award.
I took two years of German in high school and have forgotten a lot of what I learned. So when I was nominated for the Liebster Award, I went ahead and looked up online the meaning of "liebster". According to the German to English dictionary, liebster means beloved, dearest, sweetheart...basically someone you hold dear to your heart. Although I've only known some of my fellow bloggers a few months, I hold many of them dear to my heart. If you want to learn more about the Liebster Award, you can read more about it by visiting
The Global Aussie's website.
As part of the nomination process, I have been asked to mention my favorite blog to read. That's a tall order considering I like just about any blog that is quilt related, cross stitch related, or Disney related. That should narrow it down a bit, right? I think my latest obsession with a blog would have to be Karen at
Tu-Na Quilts, Travels and Eats...because who doesn't love quilting, traveling, and eating. Currently, Karen is working on the most adorable poodle blocks. I am in love with them.
Part of the nomination is answering the questions that Rose has prepared for me. So here we go:
Who inspired you to quilt? That is a tough one. I made my first quilt block back in middle school in a class were we learned all sorts of great skills such as knitting, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, quilting and probably a few other ones that I can't remember. The quilt block was finished into a pillow, as I recall. I didn't do any more quilting for almost 20 when I picked up a magazine and just decided to "go for it." Although I am a slow quilter, I am always working on something.
If you could meet one Quilt Personality, who would it be? Honestly, I don't follow any of the big names in quilting, so it would probably be one of my friendly blogger friends. I have made so many the past few months, I would meet as many as I could in real life...maybe on a trip to Disneyland...just sayin' if you're reading. Just mention in the comments below, and I'll keep a list...maybe a quilters/stitchers Disney tour in the year 2020, that should leave some time to put some money in your vacation jar.
Your preference of listening to while quilting? I usually either listen to jazz or my mp3 player with my Disney movie scores playlists going...or my Disney theme park background music playing...or my Disney anything playing. I am a huge Disney geek, in case you hadn't noticed.
Do you have a favorite snack/munchy when quilting? Chocolate...Hershey's kisses are usually what's lying around...but if there is something more expensive, I'll eat that too.
Do you look for quilts while watching a movie? Not usually. But I do like to take pictures when I just happen to see a color palette that I fall in love with. It might be the colors of a logo for an airline or a close up of a flower...anywhere I see a color palette that I love and can attempt replicate in a quilt, out comes the camera.
What comes first when starting a quilt? Generally, I buy stash when I see something I love. Since there are a bajillion (is that a word?) patterns out there, I never seem to have an issue with finding one that I think will fit.
What is your favorite quilt/sewn/craft project? Favorite? Hmm...I don't have a favorite. How boring is that. Basically, I love anything that I do that is Disney. Although I do adore this Tinkerbell cross stitch I finished a few months ago quite a bit.
Hand quilt or machine quilt? I have mostly done hand quilting in the past. I just finished my first machine quilted quilt a couple of months ago. Since my only machine is a little domestic machine, I'll only be able to quilt smaller quilts for the time being. I'll have to save my pennies if I want a big quilting machine one day.
Favorite color? It bounces back and forth between blue, lavender, and yellow depending on my mood.
Do you work on one project or many? I always have more than one project going on at a time. I am sure Mr. Goofin' Off would prefer one at a time, but I like to have a variety because it keeps me from losing the quilting or stitching bug. Fortunately, I am getting much better about finishing projects and using up stash.
Part of the nomination process is to "pay it forward" and nominate some of my fellow bloggers. Since I am awaiting their responses as to whether or not they will accept the nomination, I will update the nominations as they are accepted.
Thanks again to Rose for including me in this fun award and the opportunity to get to know more about my fellow bloggers.