Sunday, July 18, 2021

Goofin' Off with a "Silenzio, Bruno!" and Project Updates

Have you heard me shouting "Silenzio, Bruno?" lately.  I've certainly been guilty of saying it a lot.  

Photo Credit:  Disney Destinations

I just might be guilty of shouting this endlessly ever since I saw Luca.  Mr. Goofin' Off and I recently watched the Disney/Pixar movie Luca on Disney+.  I adored this movie.  It took me right back to our trip to Italy back in 2018.  Maybe one day I'll get to return?  Maybe.  Gotta save up that money first.  

So where does "Silenzio, Bruno" come from and what does it mean?  In a nutshell, it's all about learning to believe in yourself.  

Who is Bruno?  Well, he's that voice in your head that's always telling you things like:  "You can't do that."  "You'll never be able to make it work."  Bruno is annoying, sneaky, and outright rude.  But don't fear!  When you shout "Silzenio, Bruno!", you're chasing away all those doubts and giving yourself permission to just try.  

As a quilter and cross stitcher, I'm constantly having to remind myself that it's okay to try new things and be okay with it whether they work out or not.  Things do NOT have to be perfect.  There is joy in making the effort whether or not it is successful.  

Honestly, many of blogging friends encourage me just this same way.  And for that, I thank you!  

Update:  Flamingo Crossing Quilt

Although progress is much slower than I would like, I continue to make progress on this whimsical quilt.  I was able to complete strip sets for the next set of blocks for my Flamingo Crossing quilt.  

I then sub-cut the strip sets into smaller units.  

Woo hoo!  These aren't quite as "pink" as the last set of units I cut.  Looking forward to finishing the blocks and getting them assembled.  

Update:  Mickey and Pirate Friends Cross Stitch

This past weekend, I finished an additional 800+ stitches on Mickey and Pirate Friends.  I believe we're starting to work on Goofy again.  

I am pretty sure the next update will include a more definitive picture of Goofy popping up...and then maybe...just maybe...we'll see Mickey begin to appear.  In the meantime, here is the piece as a whole.  (Sorry for the wrinkles in the fabric, but I hesitate to press it too often.)

Thank you so much for popping in and visiting.  I always enjoy hearing from you and enjoy making new blogging friends!  

Link Parties I'm Participating In:

Happy stitching and have a magical day!  

Other non-stitching but Disney-related articles I've been up to:  

Over on my "other" Disney blog, I've put together the following articles and resources.  If there is something you're interested in, feel free to check it out.  

Banana Bread Copycat Recipe from Disney's Riviera Resort

How to Choose the Right Exercises for YOU!

What Characters Will Be at Avengers Campus?  

What Walt Disney World Resorts are Reopening Fall 2021?


  1. Wow 800 stitches is a lot! That is amazing!

    1. Thank you! 800 stitches is a lot for me but a drop in the bucket for other stitchers. But I am happy with the just making progress. Happy stitching! -Andrea

  2. Oh I have to silence my doubts with my quilting ablilities all the time, especially with the latest project that I am attempting. I love that flamingo fabric. You have made a lot of progress with the Pirate cross-stitch. I look forward to seeing more of Goofy.

    1. I am constantly silencing my doubts. It's much better than giving in to them. LOL Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment! -Andrea

  3. You are a hoot, I love the Silzenio Bruno, thank-you for that bit of information, I feel sometimes I cannot do something, this will help me next time.
    Your Flamingos are so cute, I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
    800 stitch's is a boat load of stitching.


    1. Thank you! We do love to fun around our house. I've been blessed with a really goofy Mr. Goofin' Off. Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment! Happy stitching! -Andrea

  4. I forgot to tell you I am trying to add you to my blog roll and am having trouble.
    I am following you by email.


    1. I'm not totally sure about the changes that Blogger is making to the blog roll. But if you're subscribed to get notifications by email, I'll be moving those over to an email provider so that those notifications don't stop to going out to recipients when blogger ends that feature. Thanks for letting me know. -Andrea

  5. Your Mickey piece is really coming along, Andrea!I'm always in awe of those of you who can do full-coverage pieces like these! And the flamingos will make a very fun quilt--enjoy this last bit of July!

    1. Thank you! I do enjoy the full coverage pieces. They take quite a bit longer than other projects, but the end is very stunning. Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment. Happy stitching! -Andrea

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog...Happy stitching too...xox

  7. Best quilted wishes on your flamingo quilt!!! That cross-stitch project is very detailed!!!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for popping by and leaving a comment. Happy stitching! -Andrea


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